This site has just won it's first award from Sailor Silver Moon!!! I would like to give her a very special thanks. Still, I want to improve my web designs and your comments and suggestions are very much welcome. On your way out I would really appreciate it if you would be kind enough to sign my guest book. I hope to be updating soon before school year ends, so come visit soon.....Janel

Hi, welcome to my Sailor Scout homepage. This is the first webpage
I ever made. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

This will take you to pages with frames and a navigation bar for ease in browsing if your browser supports it

If you would like to view my pages in frames click on Serena's wand.

This will take you to the Crystal Millennium Page - The Gateway to my Pages.

If you prefer standard pages, click on the flame at the right
side to enter my Crystal Millennium.

(My pages are optimized at 800x600 resolution and should download from 50 seconds to 3 mins. per page
using an 28kbps modem. Also, the Scout Gallery pages have java scripts and may not support some browsers.)

You are the...... visitor to see my pages as of 20 Feb 1999